Friday, December 22, 2006

A Christmas Story

So last Wednesday I took my youth group to see The Nativity Story — you know, Christmas and all. Third week of release, it hasn't been doing stellar box office, and the local theater bumped it down to one of their smaller screens, so I wasn't too worried.

However, I underestimated that this might be the type of film that got wildly more popular the closer to the 25th it got. We got a majority of our kids in, but the theater was packed. I myself had the unenviable third-row-going-blind seat, but hey, mission accomplished.

Then one of my teens came in and told me that the movie was now sold out, and two more of our teens were outside, unable to get in. What to do? What to do? With about ten of our adults still in the theater, another leader and I left, gave our tickets (and seats) to the teens outside so they could go in.

I've never felt more weird than having my entire youth group attend something that I got shut out of, but I'd like to think that we made the right choice there — no room in the theater and all.

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