Monday, April 23, 2007

Blood! Chainsaws! Singing!

So, those of you who frequent the forums may remember a long winded post I made back in January about Evil Dead: The Musical and how it basically totally rocked my world. Had I known at the time that I'd be a staff member only a month later, I'd have saved my enthusiasm for an article or something, but whatever.

Anywho, the Evil Dead: The Musical: The Official New York Cast Recording releases tomorrow 4/24/2007. You know you want it. I know you want it. Why are we still talking about this?

For a small taste, check out the soundtrack's Myspace page (with clips!):

or go to the show's official website:

It's twenty dollars well spent, trust me.

And for the Canadially inclined, the show has now closed in New York but is opening back up in Toronto on May 1st! Anyone reading this website with the money and time to see this owes it to themselves to score some tickets. It's intelligent, funny, and has the endorsement of The Bruce himself. Do I have to sell this any harder?
Clearly, yes, since you haven't clicked away to one of those pages yet. ::sigh:: Now I'm breaking my own rules and associating myself with Rosie O' Donnell. I hope you're all happy:

See how much I sacrifice? Support the show! See it onstage! Buy the soundtrack! Save my soul! And your own livesssssssss......

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