Wednesday, April 4, 2007

IMDb's Bottom 100

In my endless pursuit of truly awful, stupidly bad movies, IMDb's Bottom 100 Movies (in terms of reader voting) is an indispensable tool. Although the list changes daily, depending on the votes, I'm always looking to see how many of these films MRFH's covered in its 10-year history. As of today, here are the ones we've done (and corresponding links to their reviews):

#11: Chairman of the Board
#20: House of the Dead
#21: Glitter
#25: Leonard Part 6
#35: You Got Served
#41: Ed
#55: Gigli
#58: The Garbage Pail Kids Movie
#63: Battlefield Earth
#82: Jaws the Revenge
#85: BloodRayne
#89: Santa Claus Conquers The Martians
#99: Police Academy Mission To Moscow

1 comment:

Drew said...

No Howard the Duck?!
