Friday, January 5, 2007

I'm a MONSTER!!!!!!

While it's nice to be looking forward to Doctor Who Series Two coming out in a week or so, my Christmas break TV DVD thrills came from Arrested Development Season 3. Let's get past the SHAME ON FOX! for letting this critically-acclaimed show go unwatered until the final season was axed to 13 episodes, the last 4 of which were shown in a two-hour block opposite the Olympics opening ceremony. Fox sucks.

Still, we had 3 seasons and 53 episodes of the incredibly funny, highly rewatchable Bluths, and that ain't bad. I even found out that our Nancy is a fan (as well as an avid watcher of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air). Good for her.

While the third season is indeed short -- and the finale comes at such a rush as to boggle the mind -- it kept the laughs coming non-stop. I probably laughed the hardest during the "sweeps" show, meant to parody the ridiculous lengths that many sitcoms go to during Feb/Nov sweeps. Example: all of the sudden, for no reason whatsoever, the screen warns you to "Put on 3-D glasses now!" and a character chucks a tomato at the lense while the screen goes into that weird red-green 3-D mode you might've seen at IMAX. The Godzilla parody -- involving a jetpack, a giant mole and model homes -- rocked my world too. Oh, and the scene where the family abducts Charlize Theron in an unwittingly creepy manner while barreling down the road in half of a cabin strapped to a truck. Happy sigh.

I haven't decided who my favorite AD main character is yet -- GOB is an obvious choice, but Buster's insane romps qualify him, and Tobias' flaming, yet unrecognized homosexuality screams out "winner!" However, I don't think there's any competition for favorite secondary character: Franklin the puppet rules the roost. He even gets real speaking lines in season 3... of a sort.

"My name is..." "JUDGE!"

At least now newcomers can buy all 3 seasons and get in on the jokes for themselves. I've gone back to watching the first two seasons, marveling over and over how clever the running jokes and foreshadowing is.

And it's just plain good times to say "Bob Loblaw Law Blog".

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