Monday, January 15, 2007

Yup, I'm one of THOSE nerds

So, at 11:59pm tonight, you won't find me curled up in bed or howling at the moon, per usual. No, tonight I'll be one of the thousands of dorks who couldn't wait another eight hours to grab their copy of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade at their local video game outlet (yes, I preordered, thank you very much). I honestly cannot remember being this excited about a new game release in years... well, since WoW first came out, I guess.

From everything I've heard, the expansion is nothing short of the usual brilliance and polish that Blizzard's shown in their past games, and my guildies and I have spent the last week getting ready. That mostly means raiding dungeons completely nude (our characters, not our physical selves... as far as I know) and running in circles in Stormwind screaming "THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR!"

Yes, my wife thinks I'm a dork as well, but she will keep it to herself since she's spent the past couple weeks going berzerk at post-Christmas clothing sales.

Switching topics, I spent the afternoon at the car dealership getting a tune up ("Mr. Olivetti?" the service guy came in with a concerned look on his face. "You have a nail in your left rear tire. You want us to remove it?"), and I watched one of my latest Netflix rentals on my trusty portable DVD player. This title was "Accepted", some college comedy that got onto my queue somehow (I think I have an evil subconcious personality who does things when I'm not looking), and proceeded to blow me away with sheer hilarity. Seriously, this is one of the funniest and best college comedies I've seen, well, since PCU. I can't wait to write a review, and buy my own copy.

That will have to wait until 12:01am. I have plans until then.

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