Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What I'm Renting... er, Buying

Since our little blog here is partially for us to talk about more movie stuff, I thought I'd share a few DVD purchases I'd made lately. You know. Just because.

Wonder Boys - I finally, finally found a copy of this movie that didn't cost me $30. I'm also nervous about showing it to my wife after talking it up. I mean, I remember it being great, but it's been a while and who knows what the little movie gnomes have changed since then?

Dog Soldiers - My wife found a cheap copy of this on eBay. God bless eBay! After watching The Descent, I had a craving for the director's first -- and definitely funnier -- film.

Accepted - After renting this little college comedy last week, I knew I had to go buy it. It held up on a second viewing, although I haven't yet gotten around to writing a review for it.

Idiocracy - This was one of my "faith buys"; i.e. a movie I'd never actually seen, but purchased on faith along that it'd be good. The premise is interesting (a man gets cryogenically frozen and wakes up in the far future when society's dumbed us down through our dependance on merchandise), the reviews are great, and it's directed by Mike Judge (Office Space).

Scrubs Season One - Now I need season two, darnit!

Brick - 'Nuff said.

I usually don't buy this many movies at once, but I had a bit of leftover Christmas money and I decided to get some really good movies. I think I accomplished that.

1 comment:

Reel Fanatic said...

I thought Idiocracy was outstanding ... I can see how it is a little odd to play at all of American's multiplexes, but there's just no way Mike Judge deserved anything close to the shoddy treatment when it came to marketing this one