Thursday, April 3, 2008

Battlestar tribbles fool's day continuum

An eight minute video to catch you up on Battlestar Galatica.

Jessica “LonelyGirl15” Rose is back on the web with Blood Cell. “60 Frames is responsible for this latest bloody slice of web entertainment which concerns a young woman, Julia, who gets a video call from her BFF. It turns out the poor lass has been kidnapped and Julia has to rescue her or suffer the same fate.”

7-11's cup and straw Iron Man tie-ins.

Reebok will have an exclusive line of children's sneakers with Marvel superheroes. Retailing between $45 and $65, they'll be released to coincide with the Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk movies.

The Large Hadron Collider atom-smasher "may rip a hole in the fabric of the space-time continuum and so destroy the Earth."

"SIGMA is a loosely affiliated group of science fiction writers who are offering pro bono advice to anyone in government who want their thoughts on how to protect the nation."

MaLingua Sci-Fi Book List. "A list of science fiction books which feature linguistics or linguists."

John Jacobson's Superhero Lonely art collection.

The Trouble With Tribbles as done by Edward Gorey (sort of).

The April Fool’s Day Legend of Zelda trailer.

The Phoenix Requiem's April Fool's page. (Submitted by Sitting Duck)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Slight goof on that Phoenix Requiem link. On the Thursday update, it was announced that it had been an April Fool and got replaced with a page continuing the regular story. As far as I've been able to determine, the April Fool page has not been archived. For those who don't follow The Phoenix Requiem, a quick explanation. The story had started with a man named Jonas being found in the woods unconscious from a bullet wound. Up to this point, we've learned only a few vague hints as to who Jonas might be. In the April Fool page, Jonas was shown slipping out of town, getting into his TARDIS and leaving.